Have you ever felt like you are part of something so much bigger than what you can physically see?
Perhaps you have had an experience of synchronicity or asked for help and all of a sudden your call was answered and it amazed you but freaked you out a little.
Or maybe you have been searching for something more in your life, more than just this physical earthly experience?
Spirituality is an interesting topic in our world today. On a big level it has become this ‘fashionable’ thing to say you are spiritual, but at the same time can often be quite misguided. On the other hand, a lot of people are quite averse or resistant to spirituality as they may have had a negative religious experience, or have the belief that spirituality = religion.
I have created this workshop to guide you and offer clarity in regards to our spiritual sphere. For a lot of my life spirituality confused me. I did not wish to follow a religion, I wasn’t sure about the whole God conversation, and Spirit (?) what did that even mean??
From my experience, the spiritual sphere in so many of our lives is malnourished. We talk about mental and physical health and their importance, we have even begun to talk more about emotional health, however spiritual health seems to be sidelined.
But what about all these people doing yoga each week? Isn’t that spiritual? Yes, it can offer a layer of spirituality, depending on how you are practising it, but more often than not, it is more focused on the physical and mental spheres.
So, how will this workshop help me?
Learn about what Spirit actually is
Learn to connect with yourself so that you can connect with Spirit
Learn how to connect with Spirit and relatives and friends that have passed
Find out more about the difference between spiritual well-being vs religion
Learn about how tending to your spiritual energetic sphere each day can help you feel more connected, supported and joyful
Learn how to ask spirit for guidance with clarity and receive messages from them
Learn daily morning and evening spiritual affirmations/prayers so that you have consistent Spiritual Nutrition in your life
Learn how to write letters from your soul to spirit